Killam School Building Project Update


  • On Monday, May 20, members of the Killam School Building Committee held a community meeting at the Pleasant Street Center to give an overview of the project and its status, along with what has been completed to date and details on the MSBA process.
  • On Tuesday, May 21, our project team from Killam architect LBA, led by Jenni Katajamaki, presented to the Select Board (see the meeting here). The next KSBC is on Monday, June 17.
  • Upcoming community meetings are scheduled over the summer on Monday, July 15 for the evaluation of alternatives at the RMHS PAC, and Thursday, August 8 for the preferred solution, also at the RMHS PAC.
  • The Killam School website is up-to-date with meeting recordings, packets and upcoming activities. Please visit to see the latest on the project!

Killam School Building Project Update


  • On Thursday April 11, the KSBC held a community meeting with project architect LBA. The team shared pieces of the educational visioning work done in collaboration with Killam staff and administration. Initial floor plans and designs were also shared with the Reading community. Thank you to the residents who attended and those that toured the building prior to the meeting! About a dozen people took tours. The meeting is posted on YouTube by RCTV here.
    • You can see the slides from LBA on the Killam School website by following this path: –>Project Updates –>April 11 Killam Community Meeting Preliminary Alternatives
  • On Friday, April 19 and Monday, April 22, GEOTECHNICAL BORING IS HAPPENING AT THE KILLAM. This drilling work will begin at 7AM and could go as late as 5PM on Friday and Monday. It is likely to be noisy. Residents in the area and interested parties will receive a call Thursday afternoon with information.
  • The next outreach meeting will be on May 20, from 4-5PM, at the Pleasant Street Center. We will host a moderated panel conversation with members of the public interested in the project. The scope will be broad.
  • The next Killam School Building Committee meeting is Thursday, May 9, at 7PM at Reading Town Hall.


This week the project team held a community meeting where initial site options were shown and the educational vision was revealed.


  • The Killam School Building Committee met on Monday, April 8. The RCTV recording is here:
    • Tasks Complete
      • Traffic Study – Completed
      • Preliminary Alternatives – First Draft completed; presented
      • Educational Program – In Progress
      • Geotechnical Investigation – In Progress
      • Cost Estimating: April 15 – May 3
      • Next SBC Meetings: May 6 – Preliminary Alternatives with Cost Estimates
      • May 9 – Vote to Accept PDP (virtual)
      • PDP Submittal to MSBA: May 20
    • Discussion topics included:
      • MBTA communities zoning law – OPM reached out to MSBA to assess if grants hinge on passage of compliant zoning.
      • Discussed RISE preschool program potentially moving into a new school
      • Discussed site plan options – four options presented
  • On Thursday April 11, the KSBC held a community meeting with project architect LBA. The team shared pieces of the educational visioning work done in collaboration with Killam staff and administration. Initial floor plans and designs were also shared with the Reading community. Check out the video from the meeting:
  • The next Killam School Building Committee meeting is Monday, May 6, at 7PM at Reading Town Hall.

Killam School Building Project Update

This week the project team held a community meeting, reviewed recent traffic and safety reminders, and prepared for the next community meeting on Thursday, April 11 to review the educational visioning process and plan development.  


  • On Monday April 1, the KSBC held a community meeting with our project OPM Colliers and project architect LBA. Our traffic consultants GPI were also to hand, and site development options were discussed, including robust conversation with residents. Special thanks to Lt. Chris Jones for attending and answering some questions as well.. See the meeting here:
  • The next community Meeting on the Killam School project will be held on Thursday, April 11 at 7pm at the school. LBA will share about the Educational Visioning process that they undertook in collaboration with Reading Public Schools and Killam staff and students and how the outcomes of the process have informed the initial planning of the new Killam School. LBA will also share several conceptual site plans and floor plans. The design team is looking for feedback from the community that will inform the planning of the site and interior layout of the buildings.
  • A big thank you to RPD and the DPW for all the work they’ve started doing already to improve traffic and safety around the Killam School. With the measures taken to date, we’ve already seen improvements, and expect to see even more as time goes on!
  • Wondering how you can you help?
    • Please watch out for pedestrians in crosswalks
    • Keep an eye out for kids at all times
    • Avoid U-turns during pickup and drop off
    • Try to limit parking to one side of the street
    • Avoid blocking our neighbors’ driveways
    • When parking, avoid blocking sidewalks so pedestrians can safely pass
    • Reminder not to make left turns out of the parking loop
    • Reminder of pick up and drop off times: Drop off starts at 8:15 AM and doors close at 8:25 AM and Dismissal is at 2:45 PM.
    • Do not leave your car idle
    • Please observe posted speed limits, especially on Haverhill St. where averages are nearly 40mph in the school zone.
  • The next Killam School Building Committee meeting is Monday, April 8, at 7PM at Reading Town Hall.

Killam School Building Project Update

This week the project team prepared for the next community meeting on April 1st, released a video from KSBC Chair Carla Nazzaro and received an update on completed and in-progress activities from LBA.


  • The next Killam School Community Meeting will be held on Monday, April 1, 2024 at 7pm at the Killam School. Our architect LBA and traffic consultants GPI will be on hand to review and provide feedback on site development options. A reminder CodeRED alert will go out on Monday at 10am to immediate school neighbors and those who have registered for alerts on the project website.
  • Carla Nazzaro, Killam School Building Committee Chair and School Committee member, recently recorded a brief video with information on the Massachusetts School Building Authority’s (MSBA)’ rigorous admission process. Please view the video here:
  • Building Committee members will be visiting new schools in Watertown in mid to late April to see the latest in new school buildings featuring Net Zero energy use, the latest in educational spaces, and much more.
  • At the last Killam School Building Committee Meeting on Monday March 25, the project architect LBA presented on the completion of the school’s traffic study and existing conditions assessment; reported on preliminary alternatives and educational program, which are in-progress; and shared that a geotechnical investigation is scheduled for mid-April with a final report expected in late May 2024.
  •  The next Killam School Building Committee meeting is Monday, April 8, at 7PM at Reading Town Hall.
  • Finally, the website is now live at There you can find a meeting calendar, project updates, background documents, and more. On the website visitors can sign up for specialized CodeRED Community Notifications related to project work and meetings. Be sure to check out our new social media account and share it with your friends. Click here to visit the new Facebook page.

Killam School Building Project Community Meeting

Join us for the next Killam School Project Community Meeting! The April 1st meeting taking place at Killam will focus on site development options.

The community will have the opportunity to review and provide feedback on site development plans and share the results of the educational visioning process.

Killam School Building Project Update

This week the project team held the Traffic and Site Community Listening Session, planned for visits to new local schools, and began planning for upcoming community meetings.

Weekly update highlights include:

  • The Killam School Building Committee held a community listening session on Monday, March 18 at the Killam School cafeteria where project architect, LBA, and traffic consultants from GPI presented preliminary observations from the traffic study and listened to feedback from residents and parents. More information will be available when GPI comes back to Killam on April 1. Watch the meeting on RCTV here:
  • Once again, the website is now live at  There you can find a meeting calendar, project updates, background documents, and more. On the website visitors can sign up for specialized CodeRED Community Notifications related to project work and meetings. Be sure to check out our new social media account and share it with your friends. Click here to visit the new Facebook page.
  • Building Committee members will be visiting new schools in Watertown in mid to late April to see the latest in new school buildings featuring Net Zero energy use, the latest in educational spaces, and much more.
  • Carla Nazzaro, Killam School Building Committee Chair and School Committee member, recently recorded a brief video shining a light on the process to date. We will post the video to the website and social media over the next few days.
  • In addition to meetings on April 1 and April 11, project team members will also hold a meeting on May 20 at the Pleasant Street Center from 4-5PM.
  • The committee’s next outreach meeting is MONDAY, April 1, at 7PM at the Killam School cafeteria where the Traffic Consultant, GPI, will be back with more information.  
  • The next Killam School Building Committee meeting is Monday, March 25, at 7PM at Reading Town Hall.

Killam School Building Project Update

This week the project team has focused on completing a variety of project tasks, website updates and augmentations, preparing for Monday’s upcoming Traffic and Site Community Listening Session, and ensuring our communications are reaching as much of the community as possible.

Weekly update highlights include:

  • The Killam School Building Committee met Monday in a regularly scheduled meeting and reviewed Tasks Completed, Sustainability Goals, Educational Visioning Outcomes, and Next Steps.
    • At this time Educational Visioning, Space Program, Site Survey and Sustainability Goals are completed.
    • The Traffic Study analysis is underway. A community listening session will happen on MONDAY, March 18, from 7-8:30PM to present traffic study and listen to resident concerns. The results will be reported to the SBC on March 25 at the regularly scheduled meeting.
    • The Existing Conditions Assessments are complete and will be reported to the SBC at the March 25 meeting.
  • Owners Project Manager (OPM) Colliers reviewed project timeline and funding with the SBC. The Preliminary Design Program portion of the project remains on time and under budget! 
  • The Communications Subcommittee launched two short videos released on social media showing the community some of the work product from the educational visioning session and Principal Lindsay Fulton inviting the community to the March 18 meeting to discuss Traffic and Site conditions. More videos will be released in the coming weeks on the website detailing key project information.
  • The Communications subcommittee has also been working to reach residents across a variety of channels through school department newsletters, websites, social media, the Town Manager Minute, the DPW newsletter, and the Pleasantries newsletter for the Pleasant Street Center. We are always open to ideas on how to increase our reach.
  • Once again, the website is now live at  There you can find a meeting calendar, project updates, background documents, and more. On the website visitors can sign up for specialized CodeRED Community Notifications related to project work and meetings.
  • The project’s new Facebook page is also live. Please like and follow us and share with your friends and neighbors. Click here to visit the new Facebook page.
  • The committee’s next outreach meeting is MONDAY, March 18, at 7PM at the Killam School cafeteria (note, this is a change of venue from RMHS).
  • The next Killam School Building Committee meeting is Monday, March 25, at 7PM at Reading Town Hall.

Killam School Building Committee Site & Traffic Listening Session

Join us for the next community meeting on Monday, March 18th at 7:00 PM at the Killam School to discuss traffic impact and site design. LBA and GPI, our traffic engineer, will share the findings of the traffic study and also solicit feedback and concerns from the community to inform traffic and site planning.

The activity will be annotating plans of the neighborhood with known traffic issues and concerns. We hope you can join us and share your knowledge of the traffic situation around the school.