About Killam
The J. W. Killam Elementary School was built in 1969 and currently houses kindergarten through fifth grade as well as 2 pre-school classrooms. The school itself is well maintained but has not undergone any major additions or renovations. Killam is located on 7.28 acres of land which is abutted by two well-travelled streets, Charles Street on the west and Haverhill Street, and there are two modular classrooms which sit adjacent to the playground at the northern most part of the site.
MSBA Process

Our Team
Killam School Building Committee - Voting
Killam School Building Committee - Non Voting
Educational Visioning Subcommittee
In the winter of 2024, a combined 30+ participants – including Reading leadership, staff, administrators, parents, and community members – participated in a series of visioning and programming sessions led by Educational Planner, Mike Pirollo (MLP Integrated Design) and Lavallee Brensinger Architects. Each session was part of a collaborative process designed to inform the J.W. Killam Elementary School Feasibility Study and pre-design process.
Utilizing school tours, observational building walk-throughs with district leadership, program verification meetings, and visioning sessions, participants worked through a step-by-step process aimed at capturing their high-level thinking around the following key areas:
- Educational, architectural, and community goals and priorities
- Identification of the early child and elementary learner, including the physical, academic, and social-emotional development and needs
- Vision of teaching and learning, including the practices, strategies, programs, and structures for a future Killam elementary experience
- Vision of the ideal learning environment, including space types, design features, and adjacencies
The Killam School Building Committee would like to acknowledge and thank the following who were instrumental members of the Educational Visioning Committee:
JoEllen McGinnity (3rd Grade Teacher)
Katie Cole (Kindergarten Teacher)
Denise Iozzo (Para Educator)
Owner’s Project Manager - COLLIERS PROJECT LEADERS

📁 Official Docs
📹 Videos
Frequently asked Questions❓
How do I stay informed about the Killam project? Two ways:
1st Answer: We will continuously update the website as well as our social media platforms. Find us on Facebook and like the Killam School Building Project page.
2nd Answer: The FAQ Document under the "Documents" tab above.
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